Source code for pygaps.utilities.math_utilities

"""Function-independent mathematical calculations."""

from itertools import groupby

import numpy

from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import CalculationError
from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParameterError

[docs]def split_ads_data(data, pressure_key): """Find the inflection in an adsorption dataset with adsorption/desorption.""" # Generate array split = numpy.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype=numpy.int8) # Get the maximum pressure point (assume where desorption starts) inflexion = data.index.get_loc(data[pressure_key].idxmax()) + 1 # If the maximum is not the last point if inflexion != len(split): # If the first point is the maximum, then it is purely desorption if inflexion == data.index[0]: inflexion = 0 # Set all instances after the inflexion point to 1 split[inflexion:] = 1 # Return the new array with the branch column return split
[docs]def find_limit_indices( array: list, limits: "tuple[float, float]" = None, smallest_selection: int = 3, ): """Find the indices of an array limits""" # select the maximum and minimum of the points index_min = 0 index_max = len(array) - 1 # As we want absolute position # Set default values if limits is None: limits = (None, None) # Search if limits[0]: index_min = numpy.searchsorted(array, limits[0]) if limits[1]: index_max = numpy.searchsorted(array, limits[1]) - 1 if index_max - index_min < smallest_selection: raise CalculationError( f"Not enough points (at least {smallest_selection}) in the selected region." ) # TODO figure out which is more efficient # if limits: # ret = ret.loc[ret.between( # -numpy.inf if limits[0] is None else limits[0], # numpy.inf if limits[1] is None else limits[1] # )] return index_min, index_max
[docs]def find_linear_sections(xdata, ydata): """Find all sections of a curve which are linear.""" linear_sections = [] xdata_adj = xdata / max(xdata) ydata_adj = ydata / max(ydata) # To do this we calculate the second # derivative of the thickness plot second_deriv = numpy.gradient(numpy.gradient(ydata_adj, xdata_adj), ydata_adj) # We then find the points close to zero in the second derivative # These are the points where the graph is linear margin = 10 close_zero = numpy.abs(second_deriv) < margin # This snippet divides the the points in linear sections # where linearity holds at least for a number of measurements continuous_p = 3 for k, g in groupby(enumerate(close_zero), lambda x: x[1]): group = list(g) if len(group) > continuous_p and k: linear_sections.append(list(map(lambda x: x[0], group))) return linear_sections
[docs]def bspline(xs, ys, n=100, degree=2, periodic=False): """ Calculate n samples on a b-spline. Adapted from: Parameters ---------- xs : array X points of the curve to fit ys : array Y points of the curve to fit n : int Number of samples to return degree : int Curve degree periodic : bool True - Curve is closed False - Curve is open """ # Check if arrays are equal in size count = len(xs) if len(ys) != count: raise ParameterError("Arrays passed are not equal") # Do nothing if order is 0 if degree == 0: return xs, ys cv = numpy.stack((xs, ys), axis=-1) # If periodic, extend the point array by count+degree+1 if periodic: factor, fraction = divmod(count + degree + 1, count) cv = numpy.concatenate((cv, ) * factor + (cv[:fraction], )) count = len(cv) degree = numpy.clip(degree, 1, degree) # If opened, prevent degree from exceeding count-1 else: degree = numpy.clip(degree, 1, count - 1) # Calculate knot vector kv = None if periodic: kv = numpy.arange( 0 - degree, count + degree + degree - 1, dtype='int', ) else: kv = numpy.concatenate(( [0] * degree, numpy.arange(count - degree + 1), [count - degree] * degree, )) # Calculate query range rng = numpy.linspace(periodic, (count - degree), n) # Calculate result from scipy import interpolate res = numpy.array(interpolate.splev(rng, (kv, cv.T, degree))).T return ( numpy.array([x[0] for x in res]), numpy.array([y[1] for y in res]), )