

While the user can of course take the isotherm data and generate their own customised plots, pyGAPS includes a few plotting functions which make it easier for standard plots to be generated.

The main plotting tool is in the plot_iso() function, which handles the plotting of all isotherm types. Some common use-case scenarios for the functionality are:

  • Visualising the data after isotherm instantiation.

  • Quickly comparing several isotherms.

  • Checking the overlap of a model isotherm and the point data.

  • Generating graphs for a publication.

The function can take many parameters which will modify the graph style, colours etc. The function also accepts keywords to specify the unit, pressure mode and basis of the graphs. A complete list of parameters can be found in the reference.

The function also returns the matplotlib.Axes, to allow for further customisation for the resulting plot.


Check out the Jupyter notebook in the examples section.