Source code for pygaps.utilities.isotherm_interpolator

"""A class used for isotherm interpolation."""

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class IsothermInterpolator(): """ Class used to interpolate between isotherm points. Call directly to use. It is mainly a wrapper around scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Parameters ---------- interp_type : str What variable the interpolator works on (pressure, loading etc). known_data : str The values corresponding to the input variable. interp_data : str The values corresponding to the variable to be interpolated. interp_branch : str, optional Stores which isotherm branch the interpolator is based on. interp_kind : str, optional Determine which kind of interpolation is done between the datapoints. interp_fill : str, optional The parameter passed to the scipy.interpolate.interp1d function to determine what to do outside data bounds. """ def __init__( self, known_data, interp_data, interp_branch='ads', interp_kind='linear', interp_fill=None, ): # Instantiate # The branch the internal interpolator is on. self.interp_branch = interp_branch # The kind of interpolator in the internal interpolator. self.interp_kind = interp_kind # Value of loading to assume beyond highest pressure in the data. self.interp_fill = interp_fill # The actual interpolator. This is generated # the first time it is needed to make calculations faster. if known_data is None: return # Create the interpolator if interp_fill is None: self.interp_fun = interp1d( known_data, interp_data, kind=interp_kind, ) # If we want to extrapolate, we need to use a different # interpolator. else: self.interp_fun = interp1d( known_data, interp_data, kind=interp_kind, fill_value=interp_fill, bounds_error=False ) def __call__(self, data): """Override direct call to return interpolated data.""" return self.interp_fun(data)