Source code for pygaps.parsing.sqlite

This module contains the sql interface for data manipulation.

import functools
import json
import sqlite3

import pandas

from pygaps import logger
from pygaps.core.adsorbate import Adsorbate
from pygaps.core.baseisotherm import BaseIsotherm
from pygaps.core.material import Material
from pygaps.core.modelisotherm import ModelIsotherm
from pygaps.core.pointisotherm import PointIsotherm
from import ADSORBATE_LIST
from import DATABASE
from import MATERIAL_LIST
from pygaps.modelling import model_from_dict
from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParsingError
from pygaps.utilities.python_utilities import grouped
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import build_delete
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import build_insert
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import build_select
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import build_update
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import check_SQL_bool
from pygaps.utilities.sqlite_utilities import find_SQL_python_type

[docs]def with_connection(func): """Contextmanager for sqlite connection.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # If cursor exists we just move on if kwargs.get('cursor'): return func(*args, **kwargs) db_path = kwargs.get('db_path', DATABASE) db_path = db_path if db_path else DATABASE conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row try: # Get a cursor object cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') ret = func(*args, **kwargs, cursor=cursor) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err: conn.rollback() raise ParsingError(err) from err except sqlite3.InterfaceError as err: conn.rollback() raise ParsingError(err) from err else: conn.commit() finally: conn.close() return ret return wrapper
# ---------------------- General functions def _upload_one_all_columns( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, table_name: str, table_id: str, columns: str, input_dict: dict, overwrite: bool, print_string: bool, verbose: bool, **kwargs: dict, ): """Insert or overwrite a list of things in a table.""" to_insert = [table_id] + columns if overwrite: sql_com = build_update(table=table_name, to_set=columns, where=[table_id]) else: sql_com = build_insert(table=table_name, to_insert=to_insert) # Upload or modify data insert_dict = {key: input_dict.get(key) for key in to_insert} try: cursor.execute(sql_com, insert_dict) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)(f"Error inserting dict {insert_dict}. Original error:\n {err}") if verbose: # Print success"{print_string} uploaded '{insert_dict.get(table_id)}'") def _get_all_no_id( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, table_name: str, table_id: str, print_string: bool, verbose: bool, **kwargs: dict, ): """Get all elements from a table as a dictionary, excluding id.""" try: cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM """ + table_name) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)(f"Error getting data from {table_name}. Original error:\n {err}") values = [] for row in cursor: val = dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) val.pop(table_id) values.append(val) return values def _delete_by_id( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, table_name: str, table_id: str, element_id: str, print_string: bool, verbose: bool, **kwargs: dict, ): """Delete elements in a table by using their ID.""" # Check if exists ids = cursor.execute( build_select(table=table_name, to_select=[table_id], where=[table_id]), { table_id: element_id } ).fetchone() if ids is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError( f"Element to delete ({element_id}) does not exist in table {table_name}." ) try: cursor.execute(build_delete(table=table_name, where=[table_id]), {table_id: element_id}) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)(f"Error deleting {element_id} from {table_name}. Original error:\n {err}") if verbose: # Print success"Success, deleted {print_string}: {element_id}") # ---------------------- Adsorbates
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbate_to_db( adsorbate: Adsorbate, db_path: str = None, autoinsert_properties: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Upload an adsorbate to the database. If overwrite is set to true, the adsorbate is overwritten. Overwrite is done based on Parameters ---------- adsorbate : Adsorbate Adsorbate class to upload to the database. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the adsorbate or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # If we need to overwrite, we find the id of existing adsorbate. if overwrite: ids = cursor.execute( build_select(table='adsorbates', to_select=['id'], where=['name']), { 'name': } ).fetchone() if ids is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError( f"Adsorbate to overwrite ({}) does not exist in database." ) ads_id = ids[0] # Delete existing properties try: _delete_by_id( cursor, 'adsorbate_properties', 'ads_id', ads_id, 'adsorbate properties', verbose, ) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass # If overwrite is not specified, we upload it to the adsorbates table else: cursor.execute( build_insert(table="adsorbates", to_insert=['name']), {'name':} ) ads_id = cursor.lastrowid # Upload or modify data in the associated tables properties = adsorbate.to_dict() del properties['name'] # no need for this # Upload property types if needed if autoinsert_properties: prop_types = [ p['type'] for p in adsorbate_property_types_from_db( db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor, ) ] for prop in properties.keys(): if prop not in prop_types: adsorbate_property_type_to_db( {'type': prop}, db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor, ) if properties: for prop, val in properties.items(): sql_insert = build_insert( table='adsorbate_properties', to_insert=['ads_id', 'type', 'value'], ) if not isinstance(val, (list, set, tuple)): val = [val] for vl in val: try: cursor.execute(sql_insert, {'ads_id': ads_id, 'type': prop, 'value': vl}) except sqlite3.InterfaceError as err: raise type(err)( f"Cannot process property {prop}: {vl}" f"Original error:\n{err}" ) # Add to existing list if overwrite: if adsorbate in ADSORBATE_LIST: ADSORBATE_LIST.remove( ADSORBATE_LIST.append(adsorbate) if verbose: # Print success"Adsorbate uploaded: '{}'")
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbates_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[Adsorbate]": """ Get database adsorbates and their properties. The number of adsorbates is usually small, so all can be loaded in memory at once. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- list list of Adsorbates """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Execute the query cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM 'adsorbates'""") rows = cursor.fetchall() # Get other data and create adsorbates adsorbates = [] for row in rows: # Get all properties props = cursor.execute( build_select( table='adsorbate_properties', to_select=['type', 'value'], where=['ads_id'] ), { 'ads_id': row['id'] } ).fetchall() # Iterate for props adsorbate_params = {} for prop in props: if prop[0] in adsorbate_params: o = adsorbate_params[prop[0]] adsorbate_params[prop[0]] = (o if isinstance(o, list) else [o]) + [prop[1]] else: adsorbate_params[prop[0]] = prop[1] # Build adsorbate objects adsorbates.append(Adsorbate(row['name'], **adsorbate_params)) # Print success if verbose:"Selected {len(adsorbates)} adsorbates") return adsorbates
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbate_delete_db( adsorbate: Adsorbate, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete adsorbate from the database. Parameters ---------- adsorbate : Adsorbate or str The Adsorbate class to delete or its name. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Get id of adsorbate ids = cursor.execute( build_select(table='adsorbates', to_select=['id'], where=['name']), { 'name': if isinstance(adsorbate, Adsorbate) else adsorbate } ).fetchone() if ids is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError("Adsorbate to delete does not exist in database.") ads_id = ids[0] try: # Delete data from adsorbate_properties table cursor.execute( build_delete(table='adsorbate_properties', where=['ads_id']), {'ads_id': ads_id} ) # Delete original name in adsorbates table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='adsorbates', where=['id']), {'id': ads_id}) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)( "Could not delete adsorbate, are there still isotherms referencing it?" ) from None # Remove from existing list if adsorbate in ADSORBATE_LIST: ADSORBATE_LIST.remove(adsorbate) if verbose: # Print success"Adsorbate deleted: '{adsorbate}'")
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbate_property_type_to_db( type_dict, db_path: str = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Uploads an adsorbate property type. The type_dict takes the form of:: { 'type' : 'the_type', 'unit': 'the_unit', 'description': 'the_description' } Parameters ---------- type_dict : dict A dictionary that contains property type. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the property type or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _upload_one_all_columns( kwargs['cursor'], 'adsorbate_properties_type', 'type', ['unit', 'description'], type_dict, overwrite, 'Property type', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbate_property_types_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[dict]": """ Get all adsorbate property types. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- dict dict of property types """ return _get_all_no_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'adsorbate_properties_type', 'id', 'adsorbate property types', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def adsorbate_property_type_delete_db( property_type, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete property type in the database. Parameters ---------- property_type : str Name of the property type to delete. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _delete_by_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'adsorbate_properties_type', 'type', property_type, 'adsorbate property types', verbose, )
# ---------------------- Materials
[docs]@with_connection def material_to_db( material: Material, db_path: str = None, autoinsert_properties: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Upload a material to the database. If overwrite is set to true, the material is overwritten. Overwrite is done based on Parameters ---------- material : Material Material class to upload to the database. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the material or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # If we need to overwrite, we find the id of existing adsorbate. if overwrite: ids = cursor.execute( build_select( table='materials', to_select=['id'], where=['name'], ), { 'name': } ).fetchone() if ids is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError( f"Material to overwrite ({}) does not exist in database." ) mat_id = ids[0] # Delete existing properties try: _delete_by_id( cursor, 'material_properties', 'mat_id', mat_id, 'material properties', verbose, ) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass # If overwrite is not specified, we upload it to the adsorbates table else: cursor.execute(build_insert(table="materials", to_insert=['name']), {'name':}) mat_id = cursor.lastrowid # Upload or modify data in material_properties table properties = material.to_dict() del properties['name'] # no need for this # Upload property types if needed if autoinsert_properties: prop_types = [ p['type'] for p in material_property_types_from_db( db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor, ) ] for prop in properties.keys(): if prop not in prop_types: material_property_type_to_db( {'type': prop}, db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor, ) if properties: for prop, val in properties.items(): sql_insert = build_insert( table='material_properties', to_insert=['mat_id', 'type', 'value'], ) if not isinstance(val, (list, set, tuple)): val = [val] for vl in val: try: cursor.execute(sql_insert, {'mat_id': mat_id, 'type': prop, 'value': vl}) except sqlite3.InterfaceError as err: raise type(err)( f"Cannot process property {prop}: {vl}" f"Original error:\n{err}" ) from None # Add to existing list if overwrite: if material in MATERIAL_LIST: MATERIAL_LIST.remove( MATERIAL_LIST.append(material) if verbose: # Print success"Material uploaded: '{}'")
[docs]@with_connection def materials_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[Material]": """ Get all materials and their properties. The number of materials is usually small, so all can be loaded in memory at once. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- list list of Materials """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Execute the query cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM materials""") rows = cursor.fetchall() # Get other data and create materials materials = [] for row in rows: material_params = dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) # Get the extra data from the material_properties table cursor.execute( build_select( table='material_properties', to_select=['type', 'value'], where=['mat_id'] ), {'mat_id': material_params.pop('id')} ) material_params.update({row[0]: row[1] for row in cursor}) # Build material objects materials.append(Material(**material_params)) if verbose: # Print success"Selected {len(materials)} materials") return materials
[docs]@with_connection def material_delete_db( material: Material, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete material from the database. Parameters ---------- material : Material or str Material class to upload to the database. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Get id of material mat_id = cursor.execute( build_select(table='materials', to_select=['id'], where=['name']), { 'name': if isinstance(material, Material) else material, } ).fetchone() if mat_id is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError("Material to delete does not exist in database.") from None mat_id = mat_id[0] # Delete data from material_properties table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='material_properties', where=['mat_id']), {'mat_id': mat_id}) try: # Delete material info in materials table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='materials', where=['id']), {'id': mat_id}) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)( "Could not delete material, are there still isotherms referencing it?" ) from None # Remove from existing list if material in MATERIAL_LIST: MATERIAL_LIST.remove(material) if verbose: # Print success f"Material deleted: '{ if isinstance(material, Material) else material}'" )
[docs]@with_connection def material_property_type_to_db( type_dict: dict, db_path: str = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Uploads a material property type. The type_dict takes the form of:: { 'type' : 'the_type', 'unit': 'the_unit', 'description': 'the_description' } Parameters ---------- type_dict : dict A dictionary that contains property type. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the property type or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _upload_one_all_columns( kwargs['cursor'], 'material_properties_type', 'type', ['unit', 'description'], type_dict, overwrite, 'Material properties type', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def material_property_types_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[dict]": """ Get all material property types. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- dict dict of property types """ return _get_all_no_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'material_properties_type', 'id', 'material property types', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def material_property_type_delete_db( material_prop_type: dict, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete material property type in the database. Parameters ---------- material_prop_type : str The type to delete. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _delete_by_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'material_properties_type', 'type', material_prop_type, 'material property types', verbose, )
# ---------------------- Isotherms
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_to_db( isotherm: "BaseIsotherm | PointIsotherm | ModelIsotherm", db_path: str = None, autoinsert_material: bool = True, autoinsert_adsorbate: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Uploads isotherm to the database. If overwrite is set to true, the isotherm is overwritten. Overwrite is done based on isotherm.iso_id Parameters ---------- isotherm : Isotherm Isotherm, PointIsotherm or ModelIsotherm to upload to the database. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. autoinsert_material: bool, True Whether to automatically insert an isotherm material if it is not found in the database. autoinsert_adsorbate: bool, True Whether to automatically insert an isotherm adsorbate if it is not found in the database. verbose : bool, True Extra information printed to console. """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Checks if autoinsert_material: if isotherm.material not in MATERIAL_LIST: material_to_db(isotherm.material, db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor) if autoinsert_adsorbate: if isotherm.adsorbate not in ADSORBATE_LIST: adsorbate_to_db(isotherm.adsorbate, db_path=db_path, cursor=cursor) # The isotherm is going to be inserted into the database # Build upload dict iso_id = isotherm.iso_id upload_dict = {'id': iso_id} if isinstance(isotherm, PointIsotherm): upload_dict['iso_type'] = 'pointisotherm' elif isinstance(isotherm, ModelIsotherm): upload_dict['iso_type'] = 'modelisotherm' elif isinstance(isotherm, BaseIsotherm): upload_dict['iso_type'] = 'isotherm' else: raise ParsingError("Unknown isotherm type.") iso_dict = isotherm.to_dict() # attributes which are kept in the database upload_dict.update({ param: iso_dict.pop(param, None) for param in BaseIsotherm._required_params }) # Ensure material is correct material = upload_dict['material'] if isinstance(material, dict): upload_dict['material'] = material['name'] # Upload isotherm info to database db_columns = ["id", "iso_type"] + BaseIsotherm._required_params try: cursor.execute(build_insert(table='isotherms', to_insert=db_columns), upload_dict) except sqlite3.Error as err: raise type(err)( f"""Error inserting isotherm "{upload_dict["id"]}" base properties. """ f"""Ensure material "{upload_dict["material"]}", and adsorbate "{upload_dict["adsorbate"]}" """ f"""exist in the database. Original error:\n {err}""" ) from None # TODO insert multiple # Upload the other isotherm parameters for key in iso_dict: # Deal with bools val = iso_dict[key] if isinstance(val, bool): val = 'TRUE' if val else 'FALSE' cursor.execute( build_insert( table='isotherm_properties', to_insert=['iso_id', 'type', 'value'], ), { 'iso_id': iso_id, 'type': key, 'value': val }, ) # Then, the isotherm data/model will be uploaded into the data table # Build sql request sql_insert = build_insert(table='isotherm_data', to_insert=['iso_id', 'type', 'dtype', 'data']) if isinstance(isotherm, PointIsotherm): # Insert standard data fields: cursor.execute( sql_insert, { 'iso_id': iso_id, 'type': 'pressure', 'dtype': 'float', 'data': json.dumps(isotherm.pressure().tolist()) } ) cursor.execute( sql_insert, { 'iso_id': iso_id, 'type': 'loading', 'dtype': 'float', 'data': json.dumps(isotherm.loading().tolist()) } ) # Update or insert other fields: for key in isotherm.other_keys: dtype = find_SQL_python_type(isotherm.other_data(key)[0]) data = json.dumps(isotherm.other_data(key).tolist()) cursor.execute( sql_insert, { 'iso_id': iso_id, 'type': key, 'dtype': dtype, 'data': data } ) elif isinstance(isotherm, ModelIsotherm): # Insert model parameters cursor.execute( sql_insert, { 'iso_id': iso_id, 'type': 'model', 'dtype': "dict", 'data': json.dumps(isotherm.model.to_dict()) } ) if verbose: # Print success"Isotherm uploaded: '{isotherm.iso_id}'")
[docs]@with_connection def isotherms_from_db( criteria: dict = None, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[BaseIsotherm | PointIsotherm | ModelIsotherm]": """ Get isotherms with the selected criteria from the database. Parameters ---------- criteria : dict, None Dictionary of isotherm parameters on which to filter database from base parameters ('material', 'adsorbate', 'temperature', 'type'). For example {'material': 'm1', 'temperature': '77'}. Parameters must exist for the filtering to take place otherwise all results are returned. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- list list of Isotherms """ cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Default value criteria = criteria if criteria else {} # Get isotherm info from database cursor.execute(build_select(table='isotherms', to_select="*", where=criteria.keys()), criteria) isotherms = [] alldata = cursor.fetchall() for rows in grouped(alldata, 100): # we are taking 100 isotherms at a time ids = tuple(row['id'] for row in rows) # Get isotherm properties from database cursor.execute( f"""SELECT iso_id, type, value FROM "isotherm_properties" WHERE iso_id IN ({','.join('?' * len(ids))});""", ids ) isotherm_props = cursor.fetchall() # Get the properties from the data table cursor.execute( f"""SELECT iso_id, type, dtype, data FROM "isotherm_data" WHERE iso_id IN ({','.join('?' * len(ids))});""", ids ) isotherm_data = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: # Generate the isotherm parameters dictionary iso_params = dict(zip(row.keys(), row)) iso_params.update({ prop[1]: check_SQL_bool(prop[2]) for prop in isotherm_props if prop["iso_id"] == row['id'] }) iso_params.pop('id') # Generate the isotherm data/model if row['iso_type'] == 'pointisotherm': iso_data = pandas.DataFrame({ data["type"]: json.loads(data["data"]) for data in isotherm_data if data["iso_id"] == row['id'] }) # build isotherm object isotherms.append( PointIsotherm( isotherm_data=iso_data, pressure_key="pressure", loading_key="loading", **iso_params ) ) elif row['iso_type'] == 'modelisotherm': iso_model = model_from_dict( next( json.loads(data['data']) for data in isotherm_data if data["iso_id"] == row['id'] ) ) # build isotherm object isotherms.append(ModelIsotherm(model=iso_model, **iso_params)) else: # build isotherm object isotherms.append(BaseIsotherm(**iso_params)) if verbose: # Print success"Selected {len(isotherms)} isotherms") return isotherms
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_delete_db( iso_id: "str | BaseIsotherm | PointIsotherm | ModelIsotherm", db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete isotherm in the database. Parameters ---------- isotherm : Isotherm or Isotherm.iso_id The Isotherm object to delete from the database or its ID. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ if isinstance(iso_id, BaseIsotherm): iso_id = iso_id.iso_id cursor = kwargs['cursor'] # Check if isotherm exists ids = cursor.execute( build_select(table='isotherms', to_select=['id'], where=['id']), { 'id': iso_id } ).fetchone() if ids is None: raise sqlite3.IntegrityError( "Isotherm to delete does not exist in database. Did you modify any parameters?" ) # Delete data from isotherm_data table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='isotherm_data', where=['iso_id']), {'iso_id': iso_id}) # Delete properties from isotherm_properties table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='isotherm_properties', where=['iso_id']), {'iso_id': iso_id}) # Delete isotherm in isotherms table cursor.execute(build_delete(table='isotherms', where=['id']), {'id': iso_id}) if verbose: # Print success"Isotherm deleted: '{iso_id}'")
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_type_to_db( type_dict: dict, db_path: str = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Upload an isotherm type. The type_dict takes the form of:: { 'type' : 'the_type', 'unit': 'the_unit', 'description': 'the_description' } Parameters ---------- type_dict : dict A dictionary that contains isotherm type. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the isotherm type or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _upload_one_all_columns( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_type', 'type', ['description'], type_dict, overwrite, 'Experiment type', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_types_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[dict]": """ Get all isotherm types. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- dict dict of isotherm types """ return _get_all_no_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_type', 'id', 'isotherm types', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_type_delete_db( iso_type: str, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete isotherm type in the database. Parameters ---------- data_type : str The type to delete. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _delete_by_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_type', 'type', iso_type, 'isotherm types', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_property_type_to_db( type_dict: dict, db_path: str = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Uploads a property type. The type_dict takes the form of:: { 'type' : 'the_type', 'unit': 'the_unit', 'description': 'the_description' } Parameters ---------- type_dict : dict A dictionary that contains property type. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. overwrite : bool Whether to upload the property type or overwrite it. WARNING: Overwrite is done on ALL fields. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _upload_one_all_columns( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_properties_type', 'type', ['unit', 'description'], type_dict, overwrite, 'Experiment property type', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_property_types_from_db( db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ) -> "list[dict]": """ Get all isotherm property types. Parameters ---------- db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. Returns ------- dict dict of property types """ return _get_all_no_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_properties_type', 'id', 'isotherm property types', verbose, )
[docs]@with_connection def isotherm_property_type_delete_db( property_type: str, db_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """ Delete isotherm property type in the database. Parameters ---------- property_type : str Property type to delete. db_path : str, None Path to the database. If none is specified, internal database is used. verbose : bool Extra information printed to console. """ _delete_by_id( kwargs['cursor'], 'isotherm_properties_type', 'type', property_type, 'isotherm property types', verbose, )