Source code for pygaps.parsing.excel

Parse to and from a Excel format for isotherms.

The _parser_version variable documents any changes to the format,
and is used to check for any deprecations.


import ast

import pandas
import xlrd
import xlwt

from pygaps import logger
from pygaps.core.baseisotherm import BaseIsotherm
from pygaps.core.modelisotherm import ModelIsotherm
from pygaps.core.pointisotherm import PointIsotherm
from pygaps.modelling import model_from_dict
from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParsingError

_parser_version = "3.0"

    'material': {
        'text': ('Material name', ),
        'name': 'material',
        'row': 0,
        'column': 0,
    'temperature': {
        'text': ('Experiment temperature (K)', ),
        'name': 'temperature',
        'row': 1,
        'column': 0,
    'adsorbate': {
        'text': ('Adsorbate used', ),
        'name': 'adsorbate',
        'row': 2,
        'column': 0,
    'pressure_mode': {
        'text': ('Pressure mode', ),
        'name': 'pressure_mode',
        'row': 3,
        'column': 0,
    'pressure_unit': {
        'text': ('Pressure unit', ),
        'name': 'pressure_unit',
        'row': 4,
        'column': 0,
    'loading_basis': {
        'text': ('Loading basis', ),
        'name': 'loading_basis',
        'row': 5,
        'column': 0,
    'loading_unit': {
        'text': ('Loading unit', ),
        'name': 'loading_unit',
        'row': 6,
        'column': 0,
    'material_basis': {
        'text': ('Material basis', ),
        'name': 'material_basis',
        'row': 7,
        'column': 0,
    'material_unit': {
        'text': ('Material unit', ),
        'name': 'material_unit',
        'row': 8,
        'column': 0,
    'isotherm_data': {
        'text': ('Isotherm type', ),
        'name': 'isotherm_data',
        'row': 9,
        'column': 0,

[docs]def isotherm_to_xl(isotherm, path): """ Save an isotherm to an excel file. Parameters ---------- isotherm : Isotherm Isotherm to be written to excel. path : str Path to the file to be written. """ # create a new workbook and select first sheet wb = xlwt.Workbook() sht = wb.add_sheet('data') # get the required dictionaries iso_dict = isotherm.to_dict() iso_dict['file_version'] = _parser_version # version # Parse material material = iso_dict['material'] if isinstance(material, dict): iso_dict['material'] = material.pop('name') iso_dict.update({f"_material_{key}": val for key, val in material.items()}) # Add the required named properties prop_style = xlwt.easyxf('align: horiz left; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour grey25;') for field in _META_DICT.values(): val = iso_dict.pop(field['name'], None) sht.write(field['row'], field['column'], field['text'][0], prop_style) if val: sht.write(field['row'], field['column'] + 1, val, prop_style) # Get the isotherm type header type_row = _META_DICT['isotherm_data']['row'] type_col = _META_DICT['isotherm_data']['column'] col_width = 256 * 25 # 25 characters wide (-ish) sht.col(type_col).width = col_width sht.col(type_col + 1).width = col_width if isinstance(isotherm, PointIsotherm): # Write the type sht.write(type_row, type_col + 1, 'data', prop_style) # Get the data row data_row = type_row + 1 # We get data and replace adsorption terminology data = isotherm.data_raw.copy() data['branch'] = data['branch'].replace(0, 'ads').replace(1, 'des') columns = [isotherm.pressure_key, isotherm.loading_key, 'branch'] + isotherm.other_keys # Write data types for col_index, heading in enumerate(isotherm.other_keys): sht.write(data_row - 1, col_index + 3, data[heading] # Write all data for col_index, heading in enumerate(columns): sht.write(data_row, col_index, heading) for row_index, datapoint in enumerate(data[heading]): sht.write(data_row + row_index + 1, col_index, datapoint) elif isinstance(isotherm, ModelIsotherm): # Write the type sht.write(type_row, type_col + 1, 'model', prop_style) # Get the model row model_row = type_row # Generate the headings (i know it's a lame way to do it) sht.write(model_row + 1, 0, 'Model name') sht.write(model_row + 1, 1, sht.write(model_row + 2, 0, 'RMSE') sht.write(model_row + 2, 1, isotherm.model.rmse) sht.write(model_row + 3, 0, 'Pressure range') sht.write(model_row + 3, 1, str(isotherm.model.pressure_range)) sht.write(model_row + 4, 0, 'Loading range') sht.write(model_row + 4, 1, str(isotherm.model.loading_range)) sht.write(model_row + 5, 0, 'Model parameters') model_row = model_row + 5 for row_index, param in enumerate(isotherm.model.params): sht.write(model_row + row_index + 1, 0, param) sht.write(model_row + row_index + 1, 1, isotherm.model.params[param]) elif isinstance(isotherm, BaseIsotherm): # Write the type sht.write(type_row, type_col + 1, 'metadata', prop_style) else: raise ParsingError("Could not determine isotherm type") # Now add the other keys sht = wb.add_sheet('otherdata') row = 0 col = 0 for prop in iso_dict: sht.write(row, col, prop) sht.write(row, col + 1, iso_dict[prop]) row += 1
[docs]def isotherm_from_xl(path, *isotherm_parameters): """ Load an isotherm from a pyGAPS Excel file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the file to be read. isotherm_parameters : Any other options to be overridden in the isotherm creation. Returns ------- Isotherm The isotherm contained in the excel file. """ # isotherm type (point/model) isotype = 0 raw_dict = {} # Get excel workbook and sheet wb = xlrd.open_workbook(path) if 'data' in wb.sheet_names(): sht = wb.sheet_by_name('data') else: sht = wb.sheet_by_index(0) # read the main isotherm parameters for field in _META_DICT.values(): valc = sht.cell(field['row'], field['column'] + 1) if valc.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY: val = None else: val = valc.value raw_dict[field['name']] = val # find data/model limits type_row = _META_DICT['isotherm_data']['row'] if sht.cell(type_row, 1).value.lower().startswith('data'): # Store isotherm type isotype = 1 header_row = type_row + 1 start_row = header_row + 1 final_row = start_row while final_row < sht.nrows: point = sht.cell(final_row, 0).value if point == '': break final_row += 1 # read the data in header_col = 0 headers = [] dtypes = {} experiment_data = {} while header_col < sht.ncols: header = sht.cell(header_row, header_col).value if header == '': break # read header, data, and dtype headers.append(header) experiment_data[header] = [ sht.cell(i, header_col).value for i in range(start_row, final_row) ] # read the data type # only read the data type if it is not a pressure, loading or branch if header_col > 2: dtype = sht.cell(header_row - 1, header_col).value if dtype != '': dtypes[header] = dtype header_col += 1 data = pandas.DataFrame(experiment_data) data = data.astype(dtypes) raw_dict['pressure_key'] = headers[0] raw_dict['loading_key'] = headers[1] # process isotherm branches if they exist if 'branch' in data.columns: data['branch'] = data['branch'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'ads' else 1) else: raw_dict['branch'] = 'guess' if sht.cell(type_row, 1).value.lower().startswith('model'): # Store isotherm type isotype = 2 model = { "name": sht.cell(type_row + 1, 1).value, "rmse": sht.cell(type_row + 2, 1).value, "pressure_range": ast.literal_eval(sht.cell(type_row + 3, 1).value), "loading_range": ast.literal_eval(sht.cell(type_row + 4, 1).value), "parameters": {}, } final_row = type_row + 6 while final_row < sht.nrows: point = sht.cell(final_row, 0).value if point == '': break model["parameters"][point] = sht.cell(final_row, 1).value final_row += 1 # read the secondary isotherm parameters if 'otherdata' in wb.sheet_names(): sht = wb.sheet_by_name('otherdata') row_index = 0 while row_index < sht.nrows: namec = sht.cell(row_index, 0) valc = sht.cell(row_index, 1) if namec.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY: break if valc.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN: val = bool(valc.value) elif valc.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY: val = None else: val = valc.value raw_dict[namec.value] = val row_index += 1 # Put data in order # version check version = raw_dict.pop("file_version", None) if not version or float(version) < float(_parser_version): logger.warning( f"The file version is {version} while the parser uses version {_parser_version}. " "Strange things might happen, so double check your data." ) raw_dict.pop('isotherm_data') # remove useless field raw_dict.pop('iso_id', None) # make sure id is not passed # check if material needs parsing material = {} for key, val in raw_dict.items(): if key.startswith("_material_"): material[key.replace("_material_", "")] = val if material: for key in material.keys(): raw_dict.pop("_material_" + key) material['name'] = raw_dict['material'] raw_dict['material'] = material # Update dictionary with any user parameters raw_dict.update(isotherm_parameters) if isotype == 1: return PointIsotherm(isotherm_data=data, **raw_dict) if isotype == 2: return ModelIsotherm(model=model_from_dict(model), **raw_dict) return BaseIsotherm(**raw_dict)