Source code for pygaps.cli.cli

Simple command-line interface for pyGAPS.

The main() function is defined as the entrypoint in setuptools' console_scripts.
import argparse
import pathlib

[docs]def main(): """ The main entrypoint for the cli. Currently the CLI can read any pyGAPS format (JSON, CSV, Excel) and then: * print isotherm to output (default if no argument is passed) * plot the isotherm using a Matplotlib window (``-p/--plot``) * run basic automated characterization tests (``-ch/--characterize a_bet`` for the BET area for example) * attempt to model the isotherm using a requested model or guess the best fitting model (``-md/--model guess``) and save the resulting isotherm model using the ``-o/--outfile`` path. * convert the isotherm to any unit/basis (``-cv/--convert pressure_mode=absolute,pressure_unit=bar``) and save the resulting isotherm model using the ``-o/--outfile`` path. """ # Create the parser prs = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command-line interface to pyGAPS') # Add the arguments prs.add_argument( 'iso', metavar='isotherm', nargs='?', type=pathlib.Path, help='isotherm to display or process', ) prs.add_argument( '-p', '--plot', action='store_true', help='plot the isotherm', ) prs.add_argument( '-ch', '--characterize', help='run characterization methods (BET area, PSD, etc).', choices=['a_bet', 'a_lang', 'kh'], ) prs.add_argument( '-md', '--model', choices=['guess', 'henry', 'langmuir', 'dslangmuir', 'bet'], help='model an isotherm, saved as the file specified at \'-o\'', ) prs.add_argument( '-cv', '--convert', help='convert to another unit/basis, savepath using \'-o\'', ) prs.add_argument( '-o', '--outfile', type=pathlib.Path, help='output path for a resulting isotherm', ) prs.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='increase verbosity', ) prs.add_argument( '--version', action="store_true", help="Print current version.", ) # Execute the parse_args() method args = prs.parse_args() if args.version: from importlib.metadata import version print(version("pygaps")) return # Read the isotherm if not args.iso.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Path does not exist.") import pygaps.parsing as pgp ext = args.iso.suffix if ext == '.json': iso = pgp.isotherm_from_json(args.iso) elif ext == '.csv': iso = pgp.isotherm_from_csv(args.iso) elif ext == '.xls': iso = pgp.isotherm_from_xl(args.iso) elif ext == '.aif': iso = pgp.isotherm_from_aif(args.iso) else: from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParsingError raise ParsingError(f"Cannot read '{ext}' files") plot = False out_iso = None # pass to various characterization functions if args.characterize: import pygaps.characterisation as pgc plot = args.verbose if args.characterize == 'a_bet': res = pgc.area_BET(iso, verbose=args.verbose) print(res) elif args.characterize == 'a_lang': res = pgc.area_langmuir(iso, verbose=args.verbose) elif args.characterize == 'kh': res = pgc.initial_henry_slope(iso, verbose=args.verbose) # model isotherm using `model_iso` elif args.model: import pygaps.modelling as pgm plot = args.verbose out_iso = pgm.model_iso(iso, model=args.model, verbose=args.verbose) # convert an isotherm to a different basis/unit elif args.convert: convert_args = { keyval.split('=')[0]: keyval.split('=')[1] for keyval in map(str.strip, args.convert.split(',')) } convert_args['verbose'] = args.verbose iso.convert(**convert_args) out_iso = iso # simply plot the isotherm elif args.plot: iso.plot() plot = True # default to printing isotherm to stdout else: print(iso) if out_iso: if args.outfile: ext = args.outfile.suffix if ext == '.json': out_iso.to_json(args.outfile) elif ext == '.csv': out_iso.to_csv(args.outfile) elif ext == '.xls': out_iso.to_xl(args.outfile) elif ext == '.aif': out_iso.to_aif(args.outfile) else: from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParsingError raise ParsingError(f"Cannot export as '{ext}' files") if args.verbose: print(out_iso) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt