Source code for pygaps.parsing.json

Parse to and from a JSON string/file format for isotherms.

The _parser_version variable documents any changes to the format,
and is used to check for any deprecations.


import json

import pandas

from pygaps import logger
from pygaps.core.baseisotherm import BaseIsotherm
from pygaps.core.material import Material
from pygaps.core.modelisotherm import ModelIsotherm
from pygaps.core.pointisotherm import PointIsotherm
from pygaps.modelling import model_from_dict
from pygaps.units.converter_mode import _MASS_UNITS
from pygaps.units.converter_mode import _MOLAR_UNITS
from pygaps.units.converter_mode import _PRESSURE_UNITS
from pygaps.units.converter_mode import _VOLUME_UNITS
from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import ParsingError

_parser_version = "3.0"

[docs]def isotherm_to_json(isotherm, path=None, **args_to_json): """ Convert an isotherm object to a json representation. If the path is specified, the isotherm is saved as a file, otherwise it is returned as a string. Structure is inspired by the NIST format. Parameters ---------- isotherm : Isotherm Isotherm to be written to json. path : str, None Path to the file to be written. args_to_json : dict Custom arguments to be passed to "json.dump". Returns ------- None or str If path is None, returns the resulting json format as a string. Otherwise returns None. """ # Isotherm properties iso_dict = isotherm.to_dict() iso_dict['file_version'] = _parser_version # version # Isotherm data if isinstance(isotherm, PointIsotherm): # we turn the raw dataframe into a dictionary isotherm_data_dict = isotherm.data_raw.to_dict(orient='index') def process_data(value): """ Specifically mark only the desorption branch. """ if value.get('branch', 0) == 0: del value['branch'] else: value['branch'] = 'des' return value iso_dict["isotherm_data"] = [process_data(v) for v in isotherm_data_dict.values()] elif isinstance(isotherm, ModelIsotherm): iso_dict["isotherm_model"] = isotherm.model.to_dict() args_to_json = {} if args_to_json is None else args_to_json args_to_json['sort_keys'] = True # we will sort always if path: with open(path, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(iso_dict, file, **args_to_json) else: return json.dumps(iso_dict, **args_to_json)
[docs]def isotherm_from_json( str_or_path, fmt=None, loading_key='loading', pressure_key='pressure', **isotherm_parameters, ): """ Read a pyGAPS isotherm from a file or from a string. Structure is inspired by the NIST format. Parameters ---------- str_or_path : str The isotherm in a json string format or a path to where one can be read. loading_key : str The title of the pressure data in the json provided. pressure_key The title of the loading data in the json provided. fmt : {None, 'NIST'}, optional If the format is set to NIST, then the json format a specific version used by the NIST database of adsorbents. Other Parameters ---------------- isotherm_parameters : Any other options to be overridden in the isotherm creation. Returns ------- Isotherm The isotherm contained in the json string or file. """ # Parse isotherm in dictionary try: with open(str_or_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: raw_dict = json.load(f) except OSError: try: raw_dict = json.loads(str_or_path) except Exception as err: raise ParsingError( "Could not parse JSON isotherm. " "The `str_or_path` is invalid or does not exist. " ) from err # version check version = raw_dict.pop("file_version", None) if not version or float(version) < float(_parser_version): logger.warning( f"The file version is {version} while the parser uses version {_parser_version}. " "Strange things might happen, so double check your data." ) # Parse material if 'material' in isotherm_parameters: material = isotherm_parameters['material'] if isinstance(material, dict): isotherm_parameters['material'] = Material(material) # Update dictionary with any user parameters raw_dict.update(isotherm_parameters) data = raw_dict.pop("isotherm_data", None) model = raw_dict.pop("isotherm_model", None) if data: # rename keys and get units if needed depending on format if fmt == 'NIST': loading_key = 'total_adsorption' pressure_key = 'pressure' raw_dict = _from_json_nist(raw_dict) data = _from_data_nist(data) # build pandas dataframe of data data = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(data) # process isotherm branches if they exist if 'branch' in data.columns: data['branch'] = data['branch'].fillna(0).replace('des', 1) else: raw_dict['branch'] = 'guess' # generate the isotherm isotherm = PointIsotherm( isotherm_data=data, loading_key=loading_key, pressure_key=pressure_key, **raw_dict, ) elif model: # generate the isotherm isotherm = ModelIsotherm( model=model_from_dict(model), **raw_dict, ) else: # generate the isotherm isotherm = BaseIsotherm(**raw_dict) return isotherm
def _from_json_nist(raw_dict): """Convert a NIST dictionary format to an internal format.""" nist_dict = {} # Get regular isotherm parameters nist_dict['material'] = raw_dict['adsorbent']['name'] nist_dict['nist_hash'] = raw_dict.pop('adsorbent')['hashkey'] nist_dict['temperature'] = raw_dict.pop('temperature') # Get adsorbate if len(raw_dict['adsorbates']) > 1: raise ParsingError('Cannot currently read multicomponent isotherms') nist_dict['adsorbate'] = raw_dict.pop('adsorbates')[0]['name'].lower() # Get loading basis and unit loading_string = raw_dict.pop("adsorptionUnits") comp = loading_string.split('/') if len(comp) != 2: if comp[0] == 'wt%': comp = ('g', 'g') else: raise ParsingError("Isotherm cannot be parsed due to loading string format.") loading_unit = comp[0] if loading_unit in _MOLAR_UNITS: loading_basis = 'molar' elif loading_unit in _MASS_UNITS: loading_basis = 'mass' elif loading_unit in _VOLUME_UNITS: loading_basis = 'volume' else: raise ParsingError("Isotherm cannot be parsed due to loading unit.") material_unit = comp[1] if material_unit in _MASS_UNITS: material_basis = "mass" elif material_unit in _VOLUME_UNITS: material_basis = "volume" elif material_unit in _MOLAR_UNITS: material_basis = "molar" else: raise ParsingError("Isotherm cannot be parsed due to material basis.") # Get pressure mode and unit pressure_mode = "absolute" pressure_string = raw_dict.pop("pressureUnits") if pressure_string in _PRESSURE_UNITS: pressure_unit = pressure_string else: raise ParsingError("Isotherm cannot be parsed due to pressure unit.") # Add all the rest of the parameters nist_dict['iso_type'] = raw_dict.pop('category') # exp/sim/mod/qua nist_dict['iso_ref'] = raw_dict.pop('isotherm_type') # excess/absolute nist_dict.update(raw_dict) nist_dict.update({ 'material_basis': material_basis, 'material_unit': material_unit, 'loading_basis': loading_basis, 'loading_unit': loading_unit, 'pressure_mode': pressure_mode, 'pressure_unit': pressure_unit, }) return nist_dict def _from_data_nist(data_raw): """Convert a NIST data format to an internal format.""" for point in data_raw: point.pop('species_data') return data_raw