Source code for pygaps.modelling.virial

"""Virial isotherm model."""

import numpy
from scipy import optimize

from pygaps import logger
from pygaps.graphing.calc_graphs import virial_plot
from pygaps.modelling.base_model import IsothermBaseModel
from pygaps.utilities.exceptions import CalculationError

[docs]class Virial(IsothermBaseModel): r""" A virial isotherm model with 3 factors. .. math:: p(n) = n \exp{(-\ln{K_H} + An + Bn^2 + Cn^3)} Notes ----- A virial isotherm model attempts to fit the measured data to a factorized exponent relationship between loading and pressure. .. math:: p = n \exp{(K_1n^0 + K_2n^1 + K_3n^2 + K_4n^3 + ... + K_i n^{i-1})} It has been applied with success to describe the behaviour of standard as well as supercritical isotherms. The factors are usually empirical, although some relationship with physical can be determined: the first constant is related to the Henry constant at zero loading, while the second constant is a measure of the interaction strength with the surface. .. math:: K_1 = -\ln{K_{H,0}} In practice, besides the first constant, only 2-3 factors are used. """ # Model parameters name = 'Virial' formula = r"p(n) = n \exp{(-\ln{K_H} + An + Bn^2 + Cn^3)}" calculates = 'pressure' param_names = ("K", "A", "B", "C") param_default_bounds = ( (0, numpy.inf), (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf), (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf), (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf), )
[docs] def loading(self, pressure): """ Calculate loading at specified pressure. Careful! For the Virial model, the loading has to be computed numerically. Parameters ---------- pressure : float The pressure at which to calculate the loading. Returns ------- float Loading at specified pressure. """ def fun(x): return (self.pressure(x) - pressure)**2 opt_res = optimize.minimize(fun, pressure, method='Nelder-Mead') if not opt_res.success: raise CalculationError(f"Root finding failed. Error: \n\t{opt_res.message}") return opt_res.x
[docs] def pressure(self, loading): """ Calculate pressure at specified loading. The Virial model calculates the pressure directly. Parameters ---------- loading : float The loading at which to calculate the pressure. Returns ------- float Pressure at specified loading. """ return loading * numpy.exp( -numpy.log(self.params['K']) + self.params['A'] * loading + self.params['B'] * loading**2 + self.params['C'] * loading**3 )
[docs] def spreading_pressure(self, pressure): r""" Calculate spreading pressure at specified gas pressure. Function that calculates spreading pressure by solving the following integral at each point i. .. math:: \pi = \int_{0}^{p_i} \frac{n_i(p_i)}{p_i} dp_i The integral for the Virial model cannot be solved analytically and must be calculated numerically. Parameters ---------- pressure : float The pressure at which to calculate the spreading pressure. Returns ------- float Spreading pressure at specified pressure. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def initial_guess(self, pressure, loading): """ Return initial guess for fitting. Parameters ---------- pressure : ndarray Pressure data. loading : ndarray Loading data. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of initial guesses for the parameters. """ saturation_loading, langmuir_k = super().initial_guess(pressure, loading) guess = {"K": saturation_loading * langmuir_k, "A": 0, "B": 0, "C": 0} guess = self.initial_guess_bounds(guess) return guess
[docs] def fit(self, pressure, loading, param_guess, optimization_params=None, verbose=False): """ Fit model to data using nonlinear optimization with least squares loss function. Resulting parameters are assigned to self. Parameters ---------- pressure : ndarray The pressures of each point. loading : ndarray The loading for each point. optimization_params : dict Custom parameters to pass to SciPy.optimize.least_squares. verbose : bool, optional Prints out extra information about steps taken. """ if verbose:"Attempting to model using {}") # parameter names (cannot rely on order in Dict) param_names = list(self.params) guess = numpy.array([param_guess[param] for param in param_names]) bounds = [[self.param_bounds[param][0] for param in param_names], [self.param_bounds[param][1] for param in param_names]] # remove invalid values in function zero_values = ~numpy.logical_and(pressure > 0, loading > 0) if any(zero_values): logger.warning('Removed points which are equal to 0.') pressure = pressure[~zero_values] loading = loading[~zero_values] # define fitting function as polynomial transformed input ln_p_over_n = numpy.log(numpy.divide(pressure, loading)) # add point add_point = False added_point = False if optimization_params: add_point = optimization_params.pop('add_point', None) fractional_loading = loading / max(loading) if len(fractional_loading[fractional_loading < 0.5]) < 3: if not add_point: raise CalculationError( """ The isotherm recorded has very few points below 0.5 fractional loading. If a virial model fit is attempted the resulting polynomial will likely be unstable in the low loading region. You can pass ``add_point=True`` in ``optimization_params`` to attempt to add a point in the low pressure region or record better isotherms. """ ) added_point = True ln_p_over_n = numpy.hstack([ln_p_over_n[0], ln_p_over_n]) loading = numpy.hstack([1e-1, loading]) def fit_func(x, L, ln_p_over_n): for i, _ in enumerate(param_names): self.params[param_names[i]] = x[i] return self.params['C'] * L**3 + self.params['B'] * L**2 \ + self.params['A'] * L - numpy.log(self.params['K']) - ln_p_over_n kwargs = { "fun": fit_func, # fitting function "x0": guess, # initial guess "bounds": bounds, # bounds of the parameters "args": (loading, ln_p_over_n), # extra arguments to the fit function # "loss": 'huber', # use a loss function against outliers # "f_scale": 0.1, # scale of outliers } if optimization_params: kwargs.update(optimization_params) opt_res = self.fit_leastsq(kwargs) # assign params for index, _ in enumerate(param_names): self.params[param_names[index]] = opt_res.x[index] self.rmse = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((**2) / len(loading)) if verbose:"Model {} success, RMSE is {self.rmse:.4g}") n_load = numpy.linspace(1e-2, numpy.amax(loading), 100) virial_plot( loading, ln_p_over_n, n_load, numpy.log(numpy.divide(self.pressure(n_load), n_load)), added_point )